All Publications
Publications from the National Survey of Religious Leaders range from general overviews to writings about specific topics. They are aimed at academic, clergy, and lay audiences. If copyright restrictions prevent your download of an article for which Mark Chaves is one of the authors, please contact us with your request and we will send a copy to you. Also, if you have used NSRL data to write something, or if you know of something that has been written using NSRL data, please let us know so we can add it to the list of study writings.
Chan, Esther, and Di Di. 2024. Religions 15(11):1398.
Farmer, Ayanna, Cheyenne Ponder, Sahara Trask, and Katherine Wiegand. 2024. Georgia Journal of Science 82(1), Article 128.
Ponder, Cheyenne R., Ayanna R. Farmer, Sahara Trask, and Katherine Wiegand. 2024. Georgia Journal of Science 82(1). Article 130.
Aglozo, Eric Y. 2024. Death Studies.
Boateng, Augustine C.O., Joshua Sebu, Katherine Britt, and Hayoung Oh. 2024. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling.
Roso, Joseph, Mark Chaves, and Turgut Keskintürk. 2024. Sociological Focus.
Noy, Shiri, and Timothy L. O’Brien. 2024. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Eagle, David, Anna Holleman, Bri Barrera Olvera, and Elizabeth Blackwood. 2024. Obesity Reviews e13741.
Schwadel, Philip and Katelynn Shadoan. 2024. Review of Religious Research.
Lee, Young-Joo. 2024. Nonprofit Management and Leadership.
Cadge, Wendy, Amy Lawton, Anna Holleman, and Joseph Roso. 2024. Review of Religious Research 66(1):81-91.
Roso, Joseph and Mark Chaves. 2023. Politics and Religion 16(3):533-542.
Holleman, Meagan and Anna Holleman. 2023. Friends Journal, October 2023.
Holleman, Anna and Mark Chaves. 2023. JAMA Psychiatry 80(3):270-273.
Holleman, Anna and David Eagle. 2023. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 62(3):580-604.
Chaves, Mark, Joseph Roso, and Anna Holleman. 2022. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 61(3-4):737-749.